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Area Cities Rank as Drunkest in Vermont

Now they say that Bellows Falls is a friendly place to hang your hat, but also, according to a recent ranking list, is also a good place to put one back.

In a list of the 10 Drunkest Cities in Vermont on Road Snacks.net, Bellows Falls is ranked as the 7th most inebriated in the Green Mountain State. The list shows a 21% divorce rate in the town, which they conclude is responsible for the ranking as 7th most drunk. However, Brattleboro takes the number 3 spot, right behind Stowe. Brattleboro is cited as number 3 for having two breweries in the city and Road Snacks claims that it’s vicinity to New Hampshire is to blame, as the Granite State is reportedly the drunkest state in the entire nation.

Now you must be wondering, what’s the drunkest city in Vermont? Burlington takes the top spot, no doubt thanks to its bustling nightlife and being a college town.

And how about New Hampshire? Manchester, Portsmouth, and Wolfeboro take the top three spots respectively.

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