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Update: Cornish Bridge Damaged by School Bus

Update: New information released Thursday reveals that the damage done to a covered bridge in Cornish was actually done by a school bus. Police discovered damage to a section of the Dingleton Hill Covered Bridge on Saturday and sought the driver of a large vehicle, given the type of damage.

Thursday, a representative of the Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Bus Transportation Department contacted Cornish police after having seen news outlets run stories on the damage earlier this week. A press release states that 67-year old Allan Henderson damaged the bridge with his school bus after getting lost while transporting the Otter Valley girls basketball team to Windsor High School.

The bus had crossed the bridge to turn around and find the right route, however the bridge has a clearance of only 7 feet and 3 inches compared to the bus’s 10 feet and 4 inches.

Police say that charges are pending against Henderson, including conduct after an accident, over-height vehicle, and over-weight vehicle charges.

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